Monday, September 30, 2019

Case Study of Puan Hajjah Faiza Bawumi Essay

The family a social institution is the most fundamental of all social groups and it is universal in its distribution from time immemorial. It is fundamental and persistent social group, a basic social institution at the very care of society. The values institutionalized in the family have long been regarded as important enough to warrant strong measures against any behavior that violated them. Not only has the family been defined as fundamental to the existence of society, but it has been viewed as a source of morality and decent content. It has also been defined as a primary force for controlling behavior and civilizing of human. The family is a group defined by a sex relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children. It may include collateral or subsidiary relationship, but it is constituted by the living together of mates forming with their offspring a distinctive unity. This unit has certain common characteristics everywhere in human society. The following are the five significant characteristics seen essential to the very nature of the family that may be met in extremely a ways. †¢ A mating relationship †¢ A form of marriage or other institutional arrangement in accordance with which the mating relation is established and maintained. †¢ A system of nomenclature, involving also a mode of reckoning descent. †¢ Some economic provision shared by the members of the group but having especial reference to the economic needs associated with child bearing a child rearing and generally, †¢ A common habitation, home or household. In Islam, contraception is mainly addressed in the context of marriage and family. As a social system, culture, and civilization, Islam considers the family the basic unit of society. The Quran, Islam’s holy book and the primary source of Islamic law or Shariah, views marriage as sacred and identifies the husband and wife as the principals of family formation. The Quran has a number of references to marriage, including the following: [pic] It is He who created you from single soul andtherefrom did make his mate, that he might dwell in tranquility with her. (7 :189) And God has made for you mates from yourselvesand made for you out of them, children and grandchildren.(16:72) These verses suggest that tranquility is an important purpose of family life and is achieved through marriage. Also, while procreation is expected in marriage to maintain the human race,sexual relations in marriage need not always be for the purpose of having children. On this point, Islam departs from some other religions where procreation is the exclusive purpose of sexual relations. From the Islamic point of view, when procreation takes place, it should support and endorse tranquility rather than disrupt it. Thus, contraception helps families achieve tranquility by having children when they want them and when they are prepared to have them. Because of the importance of family in Muslim societies, legal scholars from various Islamic schools of jurisprudence and from various locales have given considerable attention to contraception. MUSLIM FAMILY THE STRUCTURE OF MUSLIM FAMILY There have been many definitions and descriptions of the family. For our purpose, we shall adopt the following simplified definition. The family is a human social group whose members are bound together by the bond of blood ties and/or marital relationship. The family bond entails mutual expectations of rights and obligations that are prescribed by religion, enforced by law, and observed by the group of members. Accordingly, the family members share certain mutual commitments. These pertain to identity and provision, inheritance and counsel, affection for the young and security for the aged, and maximization of effort to ensure continuity of the family. As can be clearly seen from the above definition, the foundation of the family in Islam is blood ties and/or marital commitments. Adoption, mutual alliance, clientage, private consent to sexual intimacy, and ‘common law’ or ‘trial’ marriages do not institute a family in the Islamic sense. Islam builds the family on solid grounds that are capable of providing reasonable continuity, true security, and mature intimacy. The foundations of the family have to be so firm and natural as to nurture sincere reciprocity and moral gratification. Islam recognizes that there is no more natural relationship than that of blood, and no more wholesome pattern of sexual intimacy than one in which morality and gratification are joined. Islam recognizes the religious virtue, the social necessity, and the moral advantages of marriage. The normal course of behavior for the Muslim individual is to be family-oriented and to seek a family of one’s own. Marriage and family are central in the Islamic system. There are many passages in the Qur’an and statements by the Prophet which go as far as to say that when a Muslim marries, he has thereby perfected half his religion; so let him be God-minded and careful of his ‘other half’. Muslim scholars have interpreted the Qur’an to mean that marriage is a religious duty, a moral safeguard, and a social commitment. As a religious duty, it must be fulfilled; but like all other duties in Islam, it is enjoined only upon those who are capable of meeting the responsibilities involved. 1. The Meaning of Marriage Whatever meaning people assign to marriage, Islam views it as a strong bond, a challenging commitment in the fullest sense of the word. It is a commitment to life itself, to society, and to the dignified, meaningful survival of the human race. It is a commitment that married couples make to one another as well as to God. It is a kind of commitment in which they find mutual fulfillment and self-realization, love and peace, compassion and serenity, comfort and hope. All this is because marriage in Islam is regarded first and foremost as a righteous act, an act of responsible devotion. Sexual control may be a moral triumph, reproduction a social necessity or service, and sound health a gratifying state of mind. Yet, these values and purposes of marriage take on a special meaning and are reinforced if they are intertwined with the idea of God, if they are also conceived as religious commitments, and internalized as Divine blessings. And this seems to be the focal point of marriage in Isl am. To paraphrase some Qur’anic verses, mankind are called: to be dutiful to God, Who created them from a single soul, and from it or of it created its mate, and from the two of them scattered abroad many men and women (4:1). It was God Who created mankind out of one living soul, and created of that soul a spouse so that he might find comfort and rest in her (7:107). And it is a sign of God that He has created men, of themselves, mates to seek in their company peace and tranquility, and has set between them mutual love and affection. Surely, in that are signs for those who reflect (30:21). Even at the most trying times of married life, and in the midst of legal disputes and litigation, the Qur’an reminds the parties of God’s law; it commands them to be kind to one another, truly charitable toward one another, and above all dutiful to God. It is noteworthy that the Islamic provisions of marriage apply to men and women equally. For example, if celibacy is not recommended for men, it is equally so for women. This is in recognition of the fact that women’s needs are equally legitimate and are seriously taken into consideration. In fact, Islam regards marriage to be the normal, natural course for women just as it is for men. It may even be more so for women because it assures them, among other things, of relative economic security. This significant additional advantage for women does not, however, characterize marriage as a purely economic transaction. Indeed, the most peripheral aspect of marriage in Islam is the economic aspect, no matter how persuasive it may be. The Prophet is reported to have said that a woman is ordinarily sought as a wife for her wealth, for her beauty, for the nobility of stock, or for her religious qualities; but blessed and fortunate is he who chooses his mate for piety in preference to everything else. The Qur’an commands marriage to the spouseless and the pious even though they may be poor and slaves (24:32). On the other hand, whatever dowry (marriage gifts) a man gives his prospective wife belongs to her; and whatever she may have acquired prior to or after marriage is hers alone. There is no necessary community of property between husbands and wives. Furthermore, it is the husband who is responsible for the maintenance and economic security of the family. He must even provide the wife with the kind of help and service to which she was used before marriage, and, according to some scholars, she is under no legal obligation to do the routine housework, although she may do so, and usually does, for some reason or other, e.g. cooperation, economy, etc. 2. The Performance of Marriage Because Islam considers marriage a very serious commitment, it has prescribed certain measures to make the marital bond as permanent as humanly possible. The parties must strive to meet the conditions of proper age, general compatibility, reasonable dowry, good will, free consent, unselfish guardianship, honorable intentions, and judicious discretion. When the parties enter into a marital contract, the intention must be clear to make the bond permanent, free from any casual or temporary designations. For this reason, trial marriages, term marriages, and all marriages that appear to be experimental, casual, or temporary, are forbidden in Islam. In one of his statements, the Prophet condemned the men and women who relish frequent change of partners, that is, the ‘tasters’, saying: ‘Allah does not like the tasters [i.e. men and women who enjoy changing partners after short-lived marriages].’ However, to insist on the permanent character of marriage does not mean that the marital contract is absolutely indissoluble. Muslims are designated by the Qur’an as a middle nation and Islam is truly a religion of the ‘golden mean’, a well-balanced and well-integrated system. This is particularly clear in the case of marriage which Islam regards as neither a sacrament nor a simple civil contract. Rather, marriage in Islam is something unique with very special features of both sacramental and contractual nature. It is equally true that the alternative to the extreme of casual or temporary marriage is not the other extreme of absolute indissolubility of the marital contract. The Islamic course is one of equitable and realistic moderation. The marriage contract should be taken as a serious, permanent bond. But it does not work well for any valid reason; it may be terminated in kindness and honor, with equity and peace. 3. The Husband-Wife Relationship With piety as the basis of spouse selection, and with the earnest satisfaction of the conditions of marriage, the parties should be well on the way to a happy and fulfilling married life. However, Islam goes much further than this in setting the course of behavior for husbands and wives. Many are the statements of the Qur’an and the Sunnah that prescribe kindness and equity, compassion and love, sympathy and consideration, patience and good will. In a part of a hadith the Prophet goes as far as to declare that the best Muslim is the one who is best to his family. In another hadith he states that the greatest, most blessed joy in life is a good, righteous wife. The consummation of marriage creates new roles for the parties concerned. Each role is a set of equitable, proportionate rights and obligations. The role of the husband revolves around the moral principle that it is his solemn duty to God to treat his wife with kindness, honor, and patience; to keep her honorably or free her from the marital bond honorably; and to cause her no harm or grief (Qur’an, 2:229-32; 4:19). The role of the wife is summarized in the verse that women have rights even as they have duties, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree over them (2:228). This degree is usually interpreted by Muslim scholars in conjunction with another passage which states, among other things, that men are trustees, guardians, and protectors of women because God has made some of them excel others and because men expend of their means (Qur’an, 4:34). It may be likened to what sociologist call ‘instrumental leadership’ or external authority in the household due to the division of labor and role differentiation. It does not, however, mean any categorical discrimination or superiority of one sex to the other. a. The wife’s rights: the husband’s obligations. Translated into rules of behavior, these ethical principles allocate to the wife certain rights and corresponding obligations. Because the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet have commanded kindness to women, it is the husband’s duty to consort with his wife in an equitable and kind manner. One specific consequence of this Divine command is his responsibility for the full maintenance of the wife, a duty which he must discharge cheerfully, without reproach, injury, or condescension. Components of maintenance: Maintenance entails the wife’s incontestable right to lodging, clothing, sustenance, and general care and wellbeing. The wife’s residence must be adequate so as to provide her with reasonable level of privacy, comfort, and independence. Foremost is the welfare of the wife and the stability of the marriage. What is true of the residence is true of clothing, food, and general care. The wife has the right to be clothed, fed, and cared for by the husband, in accordance with his means and her style of life. These rights are to be exercised without either extravagance or miserliness. Nonmaterial rights: The wife’s material rights are not her only assurances and securities. She has other rights of moral nature; and they are equally binding and specific. A husband is commanded by the law of God to treat his wife with equity, to respect her feelings, and to show her kindness and consideration. She is not to be shown any aversion by the husband or subjected to suspense and uncertainty. A corollary of this rule is that no man is allowed to keep his wife with the intention of inflicting harm on her or hindering her freedom. If he has not love or sympathy for her, she has the right to demand freedom from the marital bond, and no one may stand in her way to a new life. b. The wife’s obligations: the husband’s rights. The main obligation of the wife as a partner in a marital relationship is to contribute to the success and happiness of the marriage as much as possible. She must be attentive to the comfort and wellbeing of her mate. She may neither offend him nor hurt his feelings. Perhaps nothing can illustrate the point better than the Qur’anic statement which describes the righteous people as those who pray, â€Å"Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the joy and the comfort of our eyes, and guide us to be models of righteousness (Qur’an, 25:74).† This is the basis on which all the wife’s obligations rest and from which they flow. To fulfill this basic obligation, the wife must be faithful, trustworthy, and honest. More specifically, she must not deceive her husband by deliberately avoiding conception lest it deprive him of legitimate progeny. Not must she allow any other person to have access to that which is exclusively the husband’s right, i.e. sexual intimacy. A corollary of this is that she must not receive or entertain strange males in her home without his knowledge and consent. Nor may she accept their gifts without his approval. This is probably meant to avoid jealousy, suspicion, gossip, etc., and also to maintain the integrity of all parties concerned. The husband’s possessions are his trust. If she has access to any portion thereof, of if she is entrusted with any fund, she must discharge her duty wisely and thriftily. She may not lend or dispose of any of his belongings without his permission. With respect to intimacy, the wife is to make her desirable; to be attractive, responsive, and cooperative. A wife may not deny herself to her husband, for the Qur’an speaks of them as a comfort to each other. Due consideration is, of course, given to health and decency. Moreover, the wife is not permitted to do anything that may render her companionship less desirable or less gratifying. If she does any such thing or neglects herself, the husband has the right to interfere with her freedom to rectify the situation. To ensure maximum self-fulfillment for both partners, he is not permitted to do anything on his part that may impede here gratification.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Commentary for Soldier’s Heart

Commentary for â€Å"Soldier’s Heart† Author, Gary Paulsen The book Soldier’s Heart, is based on a true story about a fifteen-year-old boy in Minnesota named, Charley Goddard, who lies about his age to join the First Volunteers of Minnesota to fight in the Civil War. Some of the events and time sequences are not completely factual, but the essential elements of the books story are true. Charley Goddard is a fifteen-year-old boy growing up in the farming community of Winona, Minnesota, in 1861, just prior to what will become the Civil War. The whole are is talking about what they think will be a â€Å"shooting war. The atmosphere at the town meetings discussing the possibility is festive, with flags, and drums, and patriotic speeches. As a volunteer army is beginning to form, Charley decides he wants to be a part of it. Everyone assumes that it will be an easy, victorious battle, most likely over in a month or two, if it happens at all. Charley lies about his age and joins the volunteers in what he thinks will be a fun experience that will make him a man. The pay is eleven dollars a month, much more than he makes working on the farm. Charley trains and learns to be a soldier. Upon leaving the camp, the mean are treated as heroes even before they leave town, accompanied by much cheering and flag waving. Charley feels great, and spirits are high. However, not long after, he finds himself in his first battle. The Union soldiers lose badly. He is caught in the middle of violent suffering and death, and he cannot believe what is happening so suddenly all around him. When the battle is over, hundreds of his comrades had been killed, and Charley and the other survivors are stunned. It is eventually named the Battle of Bull Run. A camp is created near Washington and eventually reaches ninety thousand men. Charley becomes part of the day to day routine of the camp. He and others forage the farms in the area for food and eventually build log houses to live in during the approaching winter. However, many men get diseases such as dysentery and die in the camp. During the time here, Charley participates in one nearby battle against the Rebel Soldiers. The Union wins, but not without losing many men. One of them is a man whom Charley befriended only hours before. His name is Nelson, and he is shot in the stomach. Nelson knows the surgeons do not have the skills or time to mend his wound and that he will be left to die. As a result, he kills himself on the battlefield as the other soldiers leave for the return march to the camp. Charley takes part in a battle near Richmond, Virginia where the Confederate Army uses its mounted calvary to charge Charley and the Union soldiers. Nearly one hundred men on horseback charge six hundred foot soldiers. Charley and the others are told to shoot the horses in our to defeat the cavalry, and they do so, killing every horse and man. Next, Charley participates in the Battle of Gettysburg, the final battle of the war. Here he has the protection of rocks, and logs, and a large force of artillery behind him. Most of the charging Rebel soldiers are killed in the lines as they attack, but some eventually get close. Charley participates in a hand to hand battle with bayonets. He is finally wounded, and after being patched up as well as possible, he is sent home to Minnesota. Charley is a broken man in Winona, Minnesota. He can barely walk with a cane. He constantly passes blood, and his mental health has been affected severely. He contemplates suicide but he decides to hold on to his dreams of the war a while longer. He later dies of complications of the war wounds at the age of 21.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Questions - Assignment Example Rules 4 and 5 are the most appealing because by adding value to the audiences’ life, marketers reap my seeing their efforts rewarded through improved sales turnover and ultimately profitability. Simplicity: The whole concept was very simple to understand and put into practical use. Given the entire process is done on one platform; Facebook, consumers found it convenient to download the App, make their cases to friends on why they deserved the piece and finally redeem the virtual and real pizza from the same online platform. Social Connection: The social element that involves sharing not only the fun involved in lobbying for a price but also sitting together for a real meal inn the end made the campaign add tangible social value to users. Uniqueness: At the time of its launch, there were not many campaigns that could convert virtual to real gifts and this distinctive aspect of the campaign made it stand out and eventually successful. The unique aspect of this campaign and millions of Facebook users gives Pizza Hut a reason to replicate this in the U.S with guaranteed success. The social aspect of the human race knows no geographic boundaries and the flavor this campaign added to friendships in Australia are what it would add to consumers of pizza in any part of the world, the U.S included. Pizza Hut should therefore replicate this campaign in the U.S before competitors come up with similar projects. Chiat Strategic Excellence Awards. (2011) Jay Chiat Awards Winners | "Feed a Friend: Leveraging the Natural Fit Between Loyalty and Social Media". 4As Jay Chiat Awards for Strategic Excellence. Retrieved March 11, 2013, from

Harassment of Male and Female in Hospitals in Canada Research Paper

Harassment of Male and Female in Hospitals in Canada - Research Paper Example Workplace harassment has not only been reported in health care settings but also in other sectors of the workforce. This paper explores harassment of males and females in Canada hospitals. Harassment of gender in Hospitals According to Ontario Human Rights Commision, â€Å"harassment connotes comments or actions that are unwelcome or should be known to be unwelcome† (Ontario Human Rights Commision, 2012). Other literature have defined harassment as any conduct based on age, disability, HIV status, domestic circumstances, race, colour, language. religion, political, trade union or other opinion or belief, national or social origin, association with minority property, birth or other status which is unreciprocated or unwanted and which affects the dignity of men and women at work (Wi, 2009). Workplace harassment in healthcare settings has been reported as a widespread problem in most Canadian hospitals. Healthcare professional such as nurses, general practitioners and other medic al staff do experience or have high chances of experience harassment in most hospitals in Canada. Harassment of males and females in hospitals can take various forms such as physical, psychological and sexual harassment, one-off incident or subsequent and recurrent patterns of behaviours and among colleagues, between superiors and subordinates in health or among third parties (patients and visitors). Causes of Gender harassment in Hospitals Sexual harassment refers to â€Å"any form of sexual activity which makes a person or the victim to feel or appear uncomfortable† (Roach, 2010). The types of sexual harassments that female experience in hospital settings include gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, sexual remarks and sexual coercion. Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment in Canadian hospitals and it is often perpetrated by male patients and co-workers. The forms of sexual harassment that can be directed to either gender in hospital settings inclu de unwelcome physical contact, inappropriate conversation with sexual content, leering or inappropriate staring or whistling, inappropriate gifts, offensive jokes or comments of sexual nature, posting pictures of sexual nature in hospital settings especially in offices, comments about the physical characteristics of an individual and sexually suggestive acts (New Brunswick Human Rights Act, 2011). In addition, sexual harassment in hospitals that is directed to people of either gender may entail proposition of physical intimacy, demands for dates or sexual favors and remarks about members of a specific gender. Nurses experience sexual harassment from patients and colleagues or from medical personnel from higher authorities, that is, sexual harassment can be committed by males with female victims, by females with male victims or same-sex sexual harassment (Roach, 2010). Women have bore the brunt of sexual harassment because they have traditionally occupied a lower status in the societ y particular in the workforce. The same is replicated in hospital settings in Canada where most victims of sexual harassment have been women. Both male and female nurses and other medical staff experience harassment in Canadian health care settings although the level of endurance is different from either gender. Female nurses are likely to endure harassment from their colleagues or patients for a long term before necessarily taking further step and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Master Essay

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Master - Essay Example As explained by the United States Supreme Court in Atlanta Motel v. United States, the purpose of the Act was that, All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, or national origin (1964: np). The main issue was whether there was a valid Congressional interest in preventing the disruption of interstate commerce. The Supreme Court found that transient guests needed accommodations and that the restriction of accommodations to blacks was a very real disruption to the interstate travel of black citizens and therefore of interstate commerce. Our casino offers accommodations, indeed it is part of a larger group which is dependent on interstate commerce in order to sell our products and services, and it therefore falls within the scope of interstate commerce. In addition, many of our Arab customers are, in fact, transient guests. Any recommendation that encourages discrimination or segregation would almost certainly violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even our restaurants are covered by these prohibitions. In Katzenbach v.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Judicial Decision Making Analysis Research Paper

Judicial Decision Making Analysis - Research Paper Example The West Virginia State School Board v Barnette is a case in point. The Supreme Court had ruled that states cannot compel students to salute the American flag. No punitive action whatsoever could be taken either against the students concerned or their parents/guardians. In fact, it was an overruling of an earlier decision in Minersville School District v Gobitis. â€Å"The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials† (as cited in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 1943). The court decreed that it was essential to keep such subjects outside the influence of majorities so that numerical strength by way of legislation would not trample the rights of minorities. Similarly, administrative orders and decisions were open to arbitrary interpretations on the part of officials. These were not all-encompassing and were rigidly e nforced. Such decisions always left people with grievances. Legal Subculture Every profession breeds its own culture within the over-arching culture of a place. While culture by itself is a relative term, a similar work atmosphere creates common conditions which lead to common aspirations and also a common world view. Hence, a legal subculture develops which comprises all those involved in the judicial process. These include legal practitioners, students of law and the administrative support personnel involved. A prolonged interaction with law makes even the seekers of justice imbibe the nuances of law. Such seekers are known to become comfortable with legal jargon, which is derisively known as ‘legalese’ in common parlance. Hence, the influence of legal subculture on those who practise it is even greater. There is a constant exchange of ideas between people of the same profession which is also the case here. What prompted the ruling in this case (or the overruling of t he Minersville case) is also the effect of the legal subculture to an extent. No decision can be taken in isolation. Human factors when coupled with people in a similar environment lead to such rulings. That the earlier decision had been overturned shows the influence of the public on the legal sub-culture in this case. The figure six-to-three for the ruling was not arrived at the spur of the moment. It was only due to deliberations among the various judges that resulted in this ruling. The sub-culture is primarily responsible for the exchange of ideas among the Justices in this context. It must also be remembered that the three dissensions are also due to the same sub-culture which allows divergent views to manifest and coexist with the majority views. Judicial Background The Gobitis case had had a profound influence over the Barnette case. It can be said that it was a curtain raiser to what unfolded three years later. There had been a review by the judges examining the Barnette ca se in the light of the previous ruling. The court ruled that compelling school children to salute the flag was unconstitutional.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Court found that such a salute was a form of utterance and was a means of communicating ideas  Ã¢â‚¬Å" (The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago, Kent College of Law). The compulsory flag salute was in violation of the First Amendment which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Journal - Essay Example The market In the recent times, the growth in the smartphone market drives the industry for microprocessors. By 2014, it is expected that the total market size for cell phone users alone shall be 1.7 billion primarily driven by the surge in smartphone demand in emerging nations (Fan, Liu, Zhang and Zhao, 2008). As for the market captured by laptops, they completely acquired sales for desktops and face stiff competition from netbooks and tablets who have reported tremendous rise in sales. There are two basic components that hinder entry into the microprocessor industry is prices and innovative technology. Competitors are spending huge sums in new product development, technological upgradation and innovations that can allow patents and hence target market advantage. Companies also need huge economies of scale in order to compete in prices. Off late the substitution in the phone markets has evolved greatly but the substitution of CPU’s is virtually unavailable. The microprocessor industry is extremely competitive in prices. Product differences between major producers like Intel and (Advanced Micro Devices) AMD are virtually absent. Microprocessor industry is a one that entails huge fixed costs but very low marginal costs. This gives each company, the power to undercut the other. Exit costs of the microprocessor industry are also very high owing to huge sunk costs involved. Technology products are characterised by very short product life cycles. Technology changes and industry standards evolve as rapidly as they expire. Innovation here becomes the key to survive. The case of Apple Inc can be cited as a perfect example of innovation that led to market leadership where innovation of the iPhone took away margins and sliced away profits of other cellphone manufacturers who could not keep up. Competitive Business Strategies The desktop market is characterised by slow growth in the recent times. It is presently the largest and one of the most important microproces sor markets with a total of 150 million unit sales globally. The growth figures don’t seem as impressive. Intel, a leading firm in the microprocessor industry, has significant technological and resource advantage in the segment. The low end segment is price sensitive and so companies like Dell and Intel should keep its strategy aligned to prices to maintain itself as a market leader (Fan, Liu, Zhang and Zhao, 2008). In strike contrast to the desktop market, the laptop market needs an entire different strategy. Here front end technologies and processor performance drive sales for a company. In the fig 1 below, it is observed that concentration of exterior design is not as important as data protection. Figure 1: Consumer Need Preference Hierarchy in the Laptop Market (Source: Fan, Liu, Zhang and Zhao, 2008) With a view to capture the laptop market, key industry competitors are targeting the new generation. The trend requires thin and light laptops that do not need batteries and coolers like in CPU’s. Secondly, firms like AMD are increasingly trying to differentiate their laptops by bundling as done in the Centrino platform. The company also seeks to specialise in technologies, like the vPro to enhance security of data, a huge demand fulfilment of the business class. Thirdly, companies like Intel are trying to take on market leadership in the emerging nations via the price advantage. The use of Atom processor has strengthened Intel’

Monday, September 23, 2019

3three Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3three - Case Study Example The student has spelling mistakes and grammatical error in the written response. The error is as a result of mixture of Spanish language and English. She does not know how to differentiate the correct English word from other Spanish language. The other issue is oral presentation among the group’s members. She speaks English that is mixtures of different languages which her fellow students could not understand even the teacher. Sentence construction also was a problem. She does not follow the order, she starts from any word. The words are not in a logical sequence which disobeys the order of grammar and sentence construction. The instructional strategy that could be challenging to the student is group discussion. The student could not interact with other student because of her oral presentation. She could not comprehend and give meaning as she interacted with other class member. The student could not interact with other students because of the difficulty in language. Interaction involves communication between and among the students. If she could not speak fluent English, others could not understand her. Group discussion becomes lively and appreciative if the entire student can speak and understand each other. The student could express herself but not fully because of inadequate vocabularies among her friends. The group discussion a strategy toward the student could be adjusted in order to accommodate the students. Before involvement in the group, the student could be taken through English vocabularies and how to arrange the sentence that could be used to guide the students before the group discussion. Close interaction with other students would give the student another opportunity to learn new language. Intensified written work would help to support. Learning vocabularies, written presentation and close interaction would give the student the opportunity to learn new ideas and words that would help her in interacting with other students

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Good Education vs. Bad Education Essay Example for Free

Good Education vs. Bad Education Essay Persuasive Research Paper By; Karen Elzy Date: July 25, 2010 Course: COM 220 Teacher: Sherry Ann Smith Good Education vs. Bad Education Does one think he or she can get very far without having a great education? Statistics shows that people with a great education are much more successful than those who do not receive a great education. Many people who graduate from high school and college are guaranteed to get a better job and higher position than those who have never finish their high school or college education. There are some teachers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and many other higher educated people who have succeeded with farther education than people who wish not to succeed and not get an education. Good education is better than bad education because the outcome will be much greater with a good education than with a bad one. Nelson Mandela stated that, â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which one can use to change the world. † This is true. Every human should want to be educated, because the world is full of technology which influences our world greatly. People who are not educated enough will surely be uniformed and left behind in today’s society. Technology is in business officers, schools, hospitals, doctor offices, stores, homes, and many other places. Today, the school systems start off with teaching the students how to use computers in kindergarten. The students are using this knowledge that they have learned from school and relating it to their parents. Parents should keep their children in school so they can learn everything which being taught by the instructor, and by doing this, the outcome will be rewarding. Teachers are a gift to students and parents because they are teaching the students everything that there is to learn about education. Without teachers, students will not learn the knowledge they need to succeed in this world without a good education. Many surveys show that a good teacher from the 1920-1980’s are more experienced in age in teaching than those teachers who are fresh out of college. Older teachers have more experience and knowledge in child development than college teacher who just beginning and this really matters. Many new teachers cannot explain problems to their students when they write it on the broad. This is what I call bad education, because the student cannot figure the problem out either. When students are failing because of these situations this is when the teacher should call the parent in to see if they could work out a way to help solve this problem together. Many teachers today are not concern about the outcome of their students, so it is very important for the parent keep in contact with that teacher and their child grades. This is when bad education is a part of the student and the teacher who is teaching. Many student drops out of school because of lack of consistency they receive. Having a good education will ensure one to have a better job than anyone who does not have an education. By continuing one’s education and getting a college degree, applying for major jobs will not be such a hassle. The reason being is because most companies directly look at the education section of an application or resume. The perks with having a good job will be such as: paid vacations, top salaries, 401k, good insurance packages, and many others. Many people may start out in a great established company and learn everything about it; then continue or progress their own business and become more successful than that previous business. Having knowledge causes all these successes. How can one have a good job without learning skills from education? Many jobs are skilled and furthering education will help with a much more skilled jobs or profession. Encouraging education by talking to the students will bring love, wealth, values, and family respect. When students feel they do not have any encouragement they will drop out of school, some will go to jail, depression, drug abuse, and steal: the results of this are a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Going to school is not just about being there physically. It is important to pay really close attention to what the instructor is teaching. Clowning around would be a very horrible idea. This can cause one to miss important information for one’s future workplace. Employers will not take him or her seriously if they look at one’s transcript and thinks they have goofed off while in school. They will think that it will be brought to their workplace. Furthermore, paying attention will guarantee one the skills that can help in their future workplace this can help one to advance faster than other employees. This can help one to get a promotion and earn a better pay. Having a bad education will really hurt one. Going to a school in which appropriate information is not taught is not such a good idea. This will cause someone not to find a good job. Employers may think that important skills are lacked of their job. Bad education will definitely not lead to a great place. Poverty will be definitely in question that will cause one’s family to suffer. In question why would one want to suffer do to this bad outcome? The economy today is suffering enough, and education should be ones top priority to help with tomorrow’s economy. The economy is suffering from lack of jobs and has caused many people to become homeless. If some of the people would have finish their education then some of them would not be homeless due to the economy. Many homeless children do not attend school because of their situation. Many kids are being teased by other children because of their homeless situation, this cause a problem in education as well. Homeless kids are rated highly in education than some children who attend daily. Many children miss out on education because of being homeless. Many people were deprived of continuing their education due to lack of funding. Today people are successfully continuing their education because of grants and low interest rates on loans for education. There are people who have not attended school for a long period and due to available funds have returned. The president of the United States of America has helped make this possible for adults and others to go back to school. Many opportunities through programs as these help to better education. If some of these programs were offered earlier maybe most people would have finished school. There are things that can cause bad education. For example, mental and physical abuse can cause one to have a low self esteem about them. If someone were to lose a parent or someone close to them this would cause him or her to avoid school. Many kids bully other kids and cause them to drop out or not wanting to return to school at all. Parents need to pay close attention to his or her children in order to make sure he or she is not facing any of these problems. Many schools pay close attention to children attitudes to see if any changes have occurred. There have been many reports about abuse and kids who suffer in their education because of such reason. There are after school programs to help further children education, and to help working parent who do not have the proper time with helping their children with their homework. These programs are designed to help with homework, study skills, testing, and behavior conduct. There are many dedicated teachers and teacher aides who take the time out to help children advance in his or her education. Many parents are very grateful to these teachers and teacher aides for their time and effort in helping his or her children. Through these programs many children have passed leaped and other important test for school. These children who attend these programs have good study habits and are very dedicated to their learning. The outcome help the children score higher on different test and help them to become honor and respectable. Distinguishing good and bad education is not hard to do. A good education can include a school and/or instructor meeting and talking to their students. A good school and/or instructor will build their student’s confidence to make them feel like learning, participating in classroom activities, and getting to know the students parents. A good education can also include such things as, after school tutoring, respecting and giving respect, and make their students get involved; however, it is not limited to these things. Having a good education guide will make the student understand all material efficiently. For example, the instructor will make sure everything is explained fluently and is understood, their classroom will be in order. They will make sure the material is not boring and make sure their students are alert; they will care and make sure to encourage their students on how important their work is and how far it will take them in life if they complete it and earn their diplomas. A bad education is kicking out a student for asking a question that the instructor may have answered or may have not; patience is very important when it comes to education. If an instructor is rude and unenthusiastic, it can make the student feel as if they need not to complete the course. However, if the instructor stop and help challenge them, the student will look forward to getting their education and make sure to make every class. If an instructor shows that they are only there to get a paycheck, this can more than likely stop the enthusiasm of the student. A bad instructor can indeed make their student feel dumb which can cause a student to be a dropout and end up as a statistic. Remember education is important so the school, instructor, and student shall take it seriously. A good education will help one get a great job that has a good pay and great benefits. The result of a good education can lead to making friends that can be there for a lifetime and a possible business partner. However, if one receives a bad education, if can lead to a road of failure. Bad education will really hurt one in the long run; he or she may not be able to get a good job, a steady job, and may end up living in poverty. Employers may think that one lack some skills and give one a very low position and may be even under paid. The economy will not suffer if everyone would stay in school and receive their education. Thanks to the many opportunities of grants and loans to help further education, it can really make everyone’s future bright. If people would pay close attention to kids they can see if they are facing major problems that are preventing one from their education. After school programs are very helpful in helping students to advance in their studies, and it is also a great tool to their parents as well. In order for one to succeed, one must be in an effective school system with reliable material being taught. One must also have an instructor to encourage them and help out if the understanding is not present. Encouraging education by talking to the students will bring love, wealth, values, and family respect. If the encouragement is not present and/or a bad education would be received by the student which can cause them all kinds of downfalls in the future. Staying in school, being focused and getting their proper education are the goals in being successful. In conclusion, good education is better than a bad education because the outcome is much better and the future will look much better with a good education rather than a bad education. As Nelson Mandela says, â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world†. Many doctors, lawyers, engineers, writers, public speakers, and even teachers and students have really changed our world today. Education is the key to everyone’s success story. Good Education Vs. Bad Education References Hein, Karen. â€Å"Young People as Assets: A Foundation View. † Social Policy 30. 1 (1999): 20. General One File. Web. 13 June 2010.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The process of decolonization within the British Empire from 1890 to 1997 Essay Example for Free

The process of decolonization within the British Empire from 1890 to 1997 Essay In reviewing the process of decolonization within the British Empire from 1890 to 1997, how far do you agree that the Boer War was the key turning point in Britains relationship with its Empire? Decolonization is the withdrawal of the British Empire and in turn the granting of sovereignty to the original occupiers of the territory. It has been suggested that the Boer War may have been the main cause of the demise of the British Empire, which can be seen as the key to some extent. The Boer took place between 1899 and 1902 and was between the British and the Dutch, taking place in South Africa. However, other factors such as the two world wars and other independent struggles such as the giving back of India and the Suez Crisis can arguably be seen as contributing to its decline. The Boer War, which took place in a Dutch Colony in South Africa ultimately ended in the British conquering the Boers which, after 3 long years of fighting in a battle that would be over by Christmas, did not however, but was successful in severely damaging British pride and her economy. Thus, other nations began to see the British Empire as a diminished force; consequentially leading in Britain losing their label as being the only world super power. Milner who along with Chamberlain and Rhodes was later blamed for the whole catastrophe, decided to invade South Africa, on the acclaim that there was an enormous fortune to be made in diamond and gold mining in the Boer republics of the Transvaal. Although Britain won the war, they were not successful however in each battle and proved that the army was not as strong as it was first seen and portrayed. A number of battles took place, such as The Battle of Colenso, as well as battles in Valkanas, Pieters Hill, and the siege of Ladysmith, Kimberly, and Meeting. The British were unfamiliar with these savages, tactics and this often lead to bush fighting, which the English thought to be the wrong way in conducting war. In a letter to Gorge Hull in Kimberley from Walter Hart Wayland near Belmont, Wayland stated that My own opinion is that the Boers will make but a poor stand when once active operations against them begin, referring to how the troops from Orange River will drive the Boers across the boarder. At first the Boers were thought to have not been in the area, which was to be a rather over-confident comment seeing as the British walked straight into an ambush of Boers. 900 were killed on the Magersfontein Hill, using unconventional fighting methods, The loss of 22,000 lives and à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½222,000,000 caused the Boer War to be a humiliating experience for the British. How could they be considered one of the worlds elites when it faced so many struggles fighting against savages, in their own colonies? Anti Imperialism grew as a substational amount of the British Public began to disagree with the Government and its tactics. The anti-Boer feeling that was spread by Milner, lead to Britain making an enemy out of the Dutch, and seeing as Holland was so close by, it was not particularly helpful that potential allies disliked each other. Boer General J.C. Smuts, late Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa concluded that Lord Kitchener has begun to carry out a policy in both (Boer) republic of unbelievable barbarism and gruesomeness which violates the most elementary principles of the international rules of war, which depicts the fact that the British were meant to be civilizing the world, and put them in a bad light in the British press back home. The fact that many women and children were killed under British hands, in concentration camps surely proves that even they werent acting in the normal British manner. This also backs up the statistic that 75% who were killed died from horrific conditions and diseases alone. In conclusion, although the Boer war highlighted weaknesses in the British army; draining their sources and creating a low British morale, it was not the only factor in decolonization and does not necessarily mean than the British were any less of a strong and powerful elite (apart from of course considering the damage done to the military and economic sectors.) It could even be considered that although the Boer War was overshadowed by the extreme loss of life and money, it helped highlight Britain in the sense that it highlighter her weaknesses and in putting an end to splendid isolation, she began to search for allies in the form of the Anglo Japanese. There have been two theories as to the reasons behind the decolonization of India. The first theory, from an Indian perspectives depicts the idea that the Indians drove the British out through a substantional rise in Nationalism. The other argument which is believed by some historians is that after WW1, India was no longer economically viable or useful to the British, and so decolonizing it seemed like a good option as trading with India for goods such as spices was no longer needed. European Civilization threatened the traditions of India causing tensions between the Indians and the British as well as the fear that the British were trying to insert the Catholic church into India, causing a backlash. At first, the British were successful in holding back Indian rebels, an example being the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857 where Delhi was struck by rebels. India, however is a vital example of how it seems, the British were driven out indicating that ruling over other countries was just not tolerable anymore. The decolonization of India can somewhat be put down to a number of acts and protests on behalf of the Indian People. One person who particularly helped the movement was Gandhi, who thoroughly believed in peaceful protest stating Violent means will give violent freedom. He was not against the British as such, but wanted India to run under its own government, once stating I think it would be a good idea, referring to what he thought about western civilization. When India declared their Independence, it became apparent that Nationalist pride would soon swoop through the other colonies too. This may explain the speech made by the British Prime minister in which I quote the wind of change is blowing through Africa suggesting that in this day and age the Government knew that Britain keeping hold of her colonies was no longer socially acceptable; of course the fact that America were threatening to invade if Britain did not release, her colonies in the name of a free marker may have contributed, whereby Africas colonies received their independence from 1957-1964. When World War One erupted, all intentions were focused on protecting Britain and so making a profit from trading with Empires was not the key issue anymore. However, the people living in the colonies proved to be useful to the British as they fought along side them. For those indigenous people this merely provoked nationalistic views, as they didnt believe they should be forced to fight in a war which they did not involve them. A fear in communism also irrupted around this time, and so the elites who were making a profit from the colonies, were distracted by the fear of losing money elsewhere. This took the limelight from decolonisation, which was by this time not the countries main priorities. Therefore it can be suggested that World War One was more inflectional in the process of decolonization than any of the other factors mentioned due to the sheer number of impacts it had on Britain. It completely crippled the economy, as most wars would but this one was far more costly than the Boer war. An example of how the war affected the British economy would be when there was an economic boom in 1919-20 in America after Britain bought substantional amounts of ammunition from them, and finished with the Wall Street Crash on 1929 in which the British decided to go on the notions of lasses faire which lead to inflation, strikes and increased wages, taken from the encyclopedia of world history. The government responded with the Emergency Powers Act (1920), restoring its wartime emergency authority. Overall, the British economy was crippled, and cost the Government 8 billion pounds, taking women out of work and placing soldiers back into it, as well as paying for reparations and causing a huge rise in foreign debt; making maintaining the Empire far less important. I believe the British and the rest of the world superpowers who formerly had colonies never really relinquished full control of former colonial countries back to the indigenous occupiers. I believe decolonization is a concept that does not really exist as the former colonizers have maintained a portion of control over the societies by means of military, economic and political influences. An example of such control being exerted is the neo-colonial control being orchestrated by the West today on poor countries such as ones in Africa. However, in the context of decolonization it is arguable to say that World War One was the most significant factor as it completely took the focus away from the Empire and crippled Britains economy so much so that the Empire was becoming more of a nuisance than a profitable cause. This, coupled with a post war anti colonial Government, I think were the main reasons which spurred on decolonization. Although Nationalism in her colonies was clearly on the rise, it can not be disputed that after World War One, decolonization was no longer economically or morally viable anymore and out weighed the benefits of keeping on the Empire.

Friday, September 20, 2019

International Political Systems: Sumerian City-States

International Political Systems: Sumerian City-States Why do I believe that there is an International Political System? First, I will discuss the interaction between Sumerian city-states that is divided by the river of Tigris and Euphrates, that now forms a modern Iraq[1], why these Sumerian city-states? Because I want to prove that there is an International Political Systems during that time, don’t get me wrong in this subject, I want you to feel you’re in these said ages to be in their position, hence this will be your roots, because if you will compare it with the International Political Systems nowadays a huge confusion may subdue. Second, because of the thirty years of war north western Germany think of a treaty that will stop this war and this is the Treaty of Westphalia. The last but not the least, the current situation of International Political System in this era and I will pick United Nations or (U.N) to be the based model of these current International Political Systems. I will cover different laws from the United Nations to prove my claim, these are United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Seas or (UNCLOS), second the Human Rights were play a huge role with the countries under the United Nations. Different theories has been made, different mainstream state have earned the title ‘where does International Political System began’ but we all know already that the legitimate birth of International Political System is the time that the treaty of Westphalia began[2], but here in my argument, I shall say that it’s the interaction between Sumerian city-states where International Political System was really born. They don’t know it yet that they are doing such thing, but I in my research, I will prove that what they are doing is International Political System which is use until now. â€Å"Interaction between Sumerian City-States† Tigris and Euphrates are much known because of the river that separates them but it connects these Sumerian City-States. These are considered to have been a fully-fledged International System, because these Sumerian city-states have already an existing religion, trade, interaction, language, educational system, laws and leaders. They look up to their God as the Supreme leader and by that all of his or her people are subject to follow what their God wants, meaning being the Supreme (God and Goddesses) leader they must follow what laws He or She has made, for example their Gods or Goddesses are represented by natural entities such as the Sun interconnected with Justice and considered as the God Sun, He is God called ‘UTU’, Moon interconnected to Wisdom and their God Moon, She is called God ‘Nanna’ or ‘Suen’, and Earth connected to Life Force, several centuries before Hammurabi, Ur-Engur of the Ur dynasty (c. 2600 BC) declared that he rendered decisions according to the just laws of Shamash.[3] This reference of their Gods and Goddesses only makes my claim more evident. Even their God Ur-Engur has a law for the people to abide with, and by abiding such rule a state will be more powerful in terms of the law that is implemented to the people, and the people who happens to ob ey it diligently or faithfully from generation to generation which made the law effective and refrain the citizenry to do whatever they want if it was not in accordance to the existing laws that had been created by their Gods and Goddesses they believe in long before they were born. The law their Gods and Goddesses has created, local laws have been extended to other city-states they dealt with, unconsciously they are already leading to an international law practice which were recognized, obeyed, respected and put into practice by both parties or city-states involved. These sectors of analysis are ingredient of an international system, hence this is international political system, because in those times, they’re knowledge about the world is their only city-state and treating other people outside their city-state as barbarians or inferior as compared to themselves, (ex. The Greek city-states even if they know that different states exist, they consider them as barbarians and these barbarians don’t contribute in the human populace much worst are even considered as uncivilized or unworthy people) so what I’m saying is that this exist as an International Political System using their own norm or gauge. Hence in this era International Political Syst em in the Sumerian city-state for them is the best and the only one known to be followed by their citizenry and if they want to deal with the Sumerians it is mandatory for them to follow what the existing rules the Sumerians are using or following faithfully. In this case we could vividly see the influence of a very strong centralized government. Whatever the central government or the city-state of Sumerian is practicing, it has to be followed by the others having that principle that these laws were created by a Supreme Being (God or Goddesses) which includes issues regarding policies in their political, military, societal, and economic norms and other areas. These standards already exist in this city-states, but as time goes by, these norms changes, because ‘change is nature’ hence if the nature is to change, when the modern times comes, these norms became more complex hence adds more norms to become an International Political System. Change in environment such as geographical features which includes boundaries, natural and manmade, resources which needs to be modified or altered to be able to catch up to the new ideas and development of new trends in the International Political Systems. That’s why I add this Sumerian city-states because this is the real cycle that goes with the ever changing and ever growing International Political System. Because of the mainstream approach of Westphalia in the same context the title was given to them, and gave the title that the year Westphalia created was the real birth of International Political System which is a big fallacy. Why did I conclude so? It is because the treaty of Westphalia happened not just long ago it was exactly on October 24th 1648[4]. When the treaty of Westphalia was ratified or take into effect as a law so many events or major happenings had been recorded to had happened +which paved the way for the creation of a treaty that will not gave a birth but modified to adapt with the current needs and issues to be resolve even if the title was given for the Sumerian city-state was a ‘Pre-international System’ I will consider them an international political system, as part in my introduction said, the perspective point of view must be only in the Sumerian age, that’s why I arranged them according to the years where they exist so there will be a smooth flow of ideas, and one goal to justify if we had an international political system. In these Sumerian city-states trade is also present, because of the creation of first calendar, which they adjusted to the phases of the moon. The lunar calendar helped the Greeks, Semites and Egyptians, because of this, it helped a lot of Sumerian City-States to interact with each other thus helping their economy to boost up leading to the growth of merchant class[5], did you know that they are very good navigators because of the calendar they made. They know exactly where they are going because of the stars in the sky, were that star will serve as a guide for every people of the city that will trade from other cities, that’s why when they created the first ever calendar which adjusted the phases of the moon it helped them a lot.[6][7] Talking about trade, it helped to increase the interaction between these Sumerian city-states by simple talking to each other, of course the need of language is in need, and the language these times are divided into four: first is Archaic Sumerian, second is Old or Classical Sumerian, third is New Sumerian, last but not the least Post-Sumerian. These language had their own time at the existence of Sumerian city-states, Archaic Sumerian covered the period from 3100 B.C, when the first Sumerian wrote their very first documentary or records, down to about 2500 B.C, the content of writings in this time include business and administrative character, there is still school texts that form simple exercises in writing because this age of language was poorly understood because of the meagerness sources. Second the Old or Classical Sumerian lasted from 2500 to 2300 B.C, represented by the record of Lagash like in the first there is business, administrative texts here, but an addition is a legal text, in here the grammar of Sumerian improved and their vocabulary.[8] It is very evident that once trade exists in between any country or countries, influx not only of money but most of all ideas, culture, laws, and even intermarriage will follow. So I strongly believe that International Political System has long been existing and put into practice even before the idea of the said system was said to be introduced. â€Å"Treaty of Westphalia† This said to be the legitimate year were International Political System was created the birth year of International Political System, why is it that this the legitimate one? Why is it that the interaction of Tigris and Euphrates was not the legitimate one? Because as said by Richard Little and Barry Buzan the point of being a western country we cannot accept the fact that they are the ones who are the elitist and they’re mind set of being Ethnocentrism, meaning they are the only ones who had think of these ideas that can be seen it the modern and early ages, being the elitist they are the ones who got the title of the work done, and by telling the story of their forefathers other early International Political System is discarded on the list, hence giving the title of the first legitimate International Political System to the Treaty of Westphalia. Treaty of Westphalia was created for the Europeans, because of the thirty years war that was motivated by religious and political control all over Europe. And because of this thirty years of war countless man, child and women had died, it even overcome the deaths that has been made in World War I and World War II, it said to believe that one-third of the population died in result of the war, because of these people dying every day for the past thirty years. And because of the Treaty of Westphalia it was ratified with the concurrence of the state’s present whom to themselves considered as the elite and civilized one, which all must follow. This treaty is the first manifestation that they are creating an International Political System, this law is the law of war a doctrine concerning when it is permissible to go to war and what means of conducting war are (and are not) permissible, meaning that they cannot go to war anymore because of this said treaty, hence they already know th at this war has been going for the past thirty years. If this will continue all that will be left to them are bones of their fallen comrades, which is not healthy to a state because man is the integral part and without man a state cannot exist. As history has proven the root cause of the thirty years of war was the tug of war in between the protestants and Catholics who both claims that their religion is the best and the truth. The influence of these leaders namely the clergies or priests in the catholic side and ministers or pastors on the protestant side greatly affected the citizenry because their decisions and allegiance is determined by the religion they belong too. Much of these situation political leaders also relies and asks for the nod or approval of the strong religious leader for them to get the majority back-up of the nations or states. So you could clearly see how it did affect the whole state. The unimaginable result of the thirty years of war paved the way for the birth of Treaty of Westphalia but definitely not the birth of International Political System. ‘Current Situations of the World’s Systems’ United Nations (UN) is an example of current International Political Systems, which facilitates all its constituents, for example: Philippines, China, Japan, United States, and many more different states. This serve as an international political system because first, it is recognize globally by member countries. Leaders of the different department of the United Nations such as World Health Organization (WHO), United Nation International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF), International Labor Organization (ILO)[9] and other departments are selected from the most respectable and able man whose integrity are doubtless. Military or (peace keeping forces), Political, Economic, Societal and Environmental, which are commonly known as sectors of analysis are all present in the United Nation. At far it is concern with the peace among the states, development, human rights, and International Law. Because member states are the ones who will judge if the merit of claims of one state to another if t here is a conflict, United Nations will make a resolution against these conflicts, that’s why they are present when there is a war problem inside state for example Libya, they send peace keeping forces or military forces that got from its constituent states, even in Environmental disaster, they are there to help the people of their constituent states. Human Rights a philosophical foundation[10], (covered societal interaction), as stated they are simply by virtue of human being against war that’s why peace is more rampant, ironically Human Rights were made after World War II in connection with the Holocaust, the experience of Nuremberg tribunal convinced leaders of the need to set forth international standards to prevent genocide from ever occurring again. Human rights is where they create laws that will served as a shield by every single person of a state and it will at most prevent wars and unhumanitarian acts whether it’s a girl, children or man, moreover this human right law is by far the greatest law the United Nation has made. United Nation’s goal of developing existing laws to cope with changes and prevention of possible war, talking about state to state wars, why say that? Because after the human right law has been implemented, the rights of the people were seen nowadays, they cannot kill people because they just want it to, hence they cannot kill because of their opposite religious beliefs, and lastly you cannot kill people anymore regardless what nationality they are, or else great consequences will be used against you if ever you will do such crime. Racism is vehemently trashed. But a rebuttal here is Libya, Iraq, and Syria in this time is in a great war against, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as we can see this is not a state to state war because war is present inside the state. Ironically the above mentioned states are all members of the United Nations but they do not adhere to the principle of peace, humanity and unity among member states. Even though they have violated international rules still the United Nations tries its best to pacify the situation. As a proof of this our very own Philippines, as a member of the United Nations send troops to this country therefore in this context military is present in United Nations, because as a member of this organization we must share our resources, help in any possible means such as medical aid, medical force and even peace keeping forces. Just like other countries doing to the Philippines when it comes to natural calamities and disaster, even the People’s Republic of China disregarded the conflict in West Philippine Sea they still send troops here to help, foods and other things which they think may help a lot the typhoon victim which happened to be the strongest recorded typhoon in the world. It is a manifestation that China recognizes his membership in the United Nation and since the Philippines is a member state of the United Nation it is a good sign that China has the initiative and good intention to help us in spite of all the odds that they are having with the Philippines. Second best example I can give is the Philippines and China in connection with the West Philippine Sea, United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Seas (UNCLOS) this is a compulsory procedures for dispute resolution among state parties, this process have the right to choose either they’re case is going to International Tribunal for the Law Of the Sea (ITLOS), International Court of Justice (ICJ), Arbitral Tribunal, and last but not the least special technical arbitral tribunal. Why apply the provisions of UNCLOS and United Nations If there is still conflict? Because United Nation was established for peace and to avoid World War I or World War II or such things to happened again. Because in a war nobody wins, yes they might say that they win, but literally in war, millions of lives is lost. The United Nations’ ultimate goal is to prevent wars; hence with the help of human rights, it serves to be an important term to prevent World War III because when World War I and Wor ld War II happened, there is still no concrete data on human rights. Nowadays member states or nonmember states think of the consequences if they will violate human right laws. They know that even after the incident they will be persecuted by the international community through economic sanction, persona non grata and other international recognized form of disconformity. Another good example is the International Labor Organization (ILO)[11]. Because of the creation of the International Law Organization member states are very keen in implementing rules regarding labor practices. International accredited systems regarding the way they treat local and foreign laborers are always given importance. The major role of an employee, laborer or any manpower is always given top priority in any countries. The welfare, salary and other related activities or benefits of the working force are in compliance with accepted rules and systems. International Political System as I viewed it is almost the same with any other system. It was made and pursued by respectable men whose goal is to have an orderly, respectful and effective way of life. We may be different in language, physical attributes, values, culture, religion, educational background and other things that makes a human different from an animal but for sure we the majority of the people would like to live in an atmosphere of peace, unity and love. I would like to thank people who intimated these systems, for they had helped a lot the succeeding generations on what they have done. Not only the philosophical leaders but most especially the unwritten leaders of the past who may not have been mentioned in any document or book but for sure contributed a lot on who and where we are now. They may have made mistakes or imperfections but that’s the reality of life no one is perfect. Our life is a continuous trial and error with the guiding principle of being of help to his people and committed to make this world a better life and place to live with. Bibliography Buzan, B., Little , R. (2000). International Systems in World History. New York: Oxford University Press. DAnieri, P. (2014). International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs. canada: Cenage learning. Guisepi, R. A. (1980 and 2003). The History of Ancient Sumeria. Retrieved September 1, 2014, from The History of Ancient Sumeria: Kritzer, H. M. (2002). LEGAL SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD A POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. Cape Verde: ABC-CLIO, Inc. Sumerian Gods. (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2014, from Sumerian Gods: 3 Pol 32012047692 [1] Barry Buzan and Richard Little, International Systems in World History, (New York; Oxford University Press, 2000), 1. [2] Barry Buzan and Richard Little, International Systems in World History, (New York; Oxford University Press, 2000), 1. [3] â€Å"Sumerian Gods†,,, [4] The Peace of Web, [5] Robert A. Guisepi, The History of Ancient Sumeria (Sumer) including its cities, kings, religions culture and contributions or civilization, (University of California, 1980 and 2003), [6] Robert A. Guisepi, The History of Ancient Sumeria (Sumer) including its cities, kings, religions culture and contributions or civilization, (University of California, 1980 and 2003), [7] Walter Baucum, Sumerians who were they? The Sudden Civilization, [8] Robert A. Guisepi, The History of Ancient Sumeria (Sumer) including its cities, kings, religions culture and contributions or civilization, (University of California, 1980 and 2003), [9] United Nations [10] United Nations [11] United Nations Lombroso and Beccaria: Theories of Crime Lombroso and Beccaria: Theories of Crime Criminology is the study of crime, from what causes crime to what could or does prevent it. The ideas which form the topic of criminology come from key thinkers in the area who come up with theories and carry out research to try to find evidence to support their claims. These thinkers can be influential in bringing about changes in areas such as the legal or prison systems. Two hugely influential thinkers in the area of criminology are Cesare Beccaria and Cesare Lombroso who have expressed views and formulated many theories which come under the category of criminology, from ideas on offenders to how they should be punished. Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) belonged to the classical school of criminology which refers to the work carried out in the 18th century enlightenment period which would have followed utilitarian and social contract philosophy. Beccaria was part of an aristocratic Milanese family in Lombardy and went on to complete a law degree at the University of Pavia in 1758. Although Beccaria was an Italian economist and not a criminologist as criminology as we know it today was not ‘invented’ until the 19th century (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010). Cesare Lombroso (1853-1909) came along after Beccaria and is often considered the ‘father’ of criminology and ,unlike Beccaria he belonged to a different type of criminological ‘school’, the positivist school of criminology which uses more scientific approach to studying the social science, using methods from the natural science such as systematic observation, accumulation of evidence, objective facts and deductive framework. Lombroso trained as a physician in Northern Italy and severed 4 years in the Army where he started his observations of individuals, he later went on to become the director of different asylums in regions of Northern Italy where he went on to further observe individuals becoming specifically interested in what he referred to as ‘primitive peoples (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010). In the 18th Century Beccaria was the first to offer an explanation for crime and criminal behaviour. Strongly influenced by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes, Beccaria believed that we are hedonistic beings that look out for our own self-interest, by calculating the pleasure or pain that will result from an action to decide whether to do it or not (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010), which could lead an individual to commit crime if they believe that the resulting pleasure will outweigh any pain that may arise from the action. Due to this Beccaria also suggested that offending is a choice made out of free will from rational individuals just like those who choose not to take part in criminal behaviour. However, Lombroso offers a different opinion on offenders. Lombroso was strongly influenced by Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and believed that offenders were throwbacks to earlier forms of humans. Lombroso believed that those who commit crime were atavistic, a term he developed for those who were not fully evolved and more ‘primitive’ than non-offenders (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010). It was the atavistic nature of the individual which Lombroso believed was the reason the individual became a criminal. Lombroso even believed that if these these individuals were throwbacks of from previous stages of evolution then they should have differing physical and physiological characteristics from ‘normal’ individuals which he referred to as a stigmata, Lombroso suggested that characteristics such as supernumerary fingers or toes, larger jaws or ears, an insensitivity to pain, etc were indicative of an atavistic individual (Mazzarello, 2011). Lombroso exam ined and documented many criminals and suggested that he found these characteristics in each of them including Giuseppe Villella, an Italian criminal said to be similar to the notorious English serial killer Jack the Ripper, who Lombroso performed an autopsy on and upon examination of his skull and brain found similarities between it and that of less evolved primates, which for him supported his theory that criminality is the result of being less evolved than the ‘normal’ individual (Lombroso, 1872-1944.). Thus instead of criminal behaviour being the result of free will like Beccaria proposed, Lombroso believed that criminal behaviour has a deterministic element. While this theory was met with some scepticism in Europe, Lombroso was hugely influential in America, but this also had a negative side to it as suggesting that criminals can be identified by physical characteristics could lead to certain individual with such characteristics to be singled out even if they have not committed a criminal offence or been found guilty of a crime. Lombroso went on to develop his ideas and proposed that there are different types of criminals. Some examples of the types of criminal Lombroso suggested there are, are the born criminal, the insane criminal, criminaloids and criminals of passion. Firstly, born criminals, a term which was actually first used by a student of Lombroso’s Enrico Ferri, this type of criminal only makes up about a third of the criminal population but often commit the more serious crimes (Lombroso, 1872-1944.) and as outlined above is categorised presented with characteristics indicating an atavistic nature but Lombroso also believed that this type of criminal presented with epilepsy and was not morally intelligent. Secondly, the insane criminal, Lombroso suggested that this type of criminal was not a criminal since birth like the previous type but had become a criminal due to some kind of physiological change which affects their morality making them unable to â€Å"discriminate between right and wr ong† (Lombroso, 1872-1944., p 75). Examples of criminals in this category include those who are kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs, habitual drunks and child abusers. Another type of criminal outlined by Lombroso are criminaloids which have few of the atavistic characteristics or stigmata even though they are a form of born criminal they are not as threatening as those who fall into the category of the born criminal. However, they do present with different stigmata that born criminals do not such as early baldness or greyness. Although the real difference between born criminals and criminaloids is there differing psychological traits. The main difference being that the criminaloid individual starts offending later on in life and will always have a reason behind the offence (Lombroso, 1872-1944). The last example, criminals of passion, categorises those who commit crimes because they are â€Å"urged to violate laws by a pure spirit of altruism† (Lombroso, 1872-1944., p118) the y are not at all like the other types of criminals as they only commit crimes out of the best intention and are characteristically good. The physical characteristics of the criminals of passion are often attractive and gentle while their psychological traits are that of an excessively good, holy individual (Lombroso, 1872-1944). Another negative with the work of Lombroso is that he may have â€Å"detected potential Hydes in distinguished Jekylls† (Saturday Review of Politics,Literature, Science and Art, 1909) by over emphasising finding certain characteristics in individuals and generating the hypothesis that everyone with such a characteristic will be or is a criminal. Beccaria differing belief, that an individual chooses to commit crime, lead him to believe that for society to be sustainable such a choice should be met with a punishment and so in 1866 Beccaria published an essay entitled ‘on crimes and punishments’. Within this essay he expressed his ideas on criminal behaviour and what should happen to those found to have broken the law. Briefly put Beccaria believed that punishment of crime should be inevitable, consistent, proportionate and swift if it is to deter an individual from committing crime. By inevitable Beccaria means that if an individual is found to have committed a crime there should be no question as to whether they should or will receive a punishment as Beccaria believed that the certainty of a punishment had a deterrent effect regardless of the severity of the punishment (Newburn, 2009.). By consistent he means that everybody regardless of class, ethnicity or gender should be given the same punishment for the same crime, so that certain individuals dont believe that they can†count upon arbitrary leniency from judges† (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010, p. 5). By proportionate Beccaria believed that the punishment should fit the crime, this means that punishment should not be too excessive just for the sake of revenge as the â€Å"severity of the punishment should only be sufficient to as a deterrent† (Tierney, 2009., p.46). In order to be a deterrent of criminal behaviour Beccaria also believed that punishment should be swift, this means that the punishment should be delivered quickly and not be delayed. Beccaria also expressed his ideas on judicial torture and the use of the death penalty as a punishment for criminal behaviour. Beccaria believed that both were wrong as they went against natural rights theory. In regards to torture, he believed that it is wrong because if the individual who is being tortured is physically or mentally weaker they are more likely to confess to something they didn’t do and may implicate another individual who is also innocent. This lead Beccaria to proposition that if torture is the way of determining an individuals guilt or innocence then a mathematician would be better at deciding this than a judge due to them being able to predict or theories the amount of torture a certain individual may be able to cope with before confessing (Hostettler, 2011.). In regards to the death penalty, Beccaria was the first person of that time to publicly criticise the killing of an individual as a means of punishment for a crime. He believed that the state had no right to take anothers life because while Beccaria believed in social contract theory (that we give up certain freedoms to an authority in return for some kind of protection) he believed that no person would hand over the right to live for the protection offered. Beccaria also believed that the death penalty was not a sufficient deterrent to stop other people from committing crime, which for him was the primary role of a punishment leading him to the opinion that the punishment of death for a crime â€Å"is not only immoral, it is useless† (Hostettler, 2011., p. 55). However, although Beccaria held this belief he did allow for an exception to be made due to one of two reasons, either the individual still poses a risk to the outside world while imprisoned, or when the death penalty is seen as the only means by which to deter others from committing such a crime (Beccaria, 1764.). Lombroso also held a differing view on punishment and the death penalty to that of Beccaria’s. Lombroso believed that when an atavistic individual commits a crime â€Å"society has the right to defend itself from this kind of delinquent† (Mazzarello, 2001., p. 983) this includes a belief in the death penalty which Beccaria was strongly against,even though Lombroso believed that criminality was not a choice but determined as individuals were born criminals due to the argument that â€Å"man defends himself from wild animals without blaming them for not having been born lambs† (Mazzarello,2001., p.983). However, Lombroso and his theory of the insane criminal was influential in changing how those deemed ‘insane’ were dealt with in the Italian justice system as â€Å"measures were developed for the mentally incompetent dangerous offender† (Ramsland, 2009). Although Beccaria and Lombroso have many differing views and theories in the study of criminology and belonged to different schools, they were and still are strongly influential in reforming the justice and penal system. For example Beccaria ‘s ideas from ‘On Crimes and Punishments’ have been â€Å"incorporated into the United States constitution† (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010., p. 7) and Lombroso’s idea that we have free will to choose whether to take part in criminal behaviour can still be seen in more recent free will versus determinism debates (Hayward, Maruna Mooney, 2010). References Beccaria, C., (1995) [1764], On Crimes and Punishment and Other Writings, Edited by Bellamy, R., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Hayward, K., Maruna, S., Mooney, J., (2010). Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology. United Kingdom: Routledge. Hostettler, J., (2011). Cesare Beccaria: The Genius of ‘On Crimes and Punishment’. United Kingdom: Waterside Press. Lombroso, G., (1872-1944). Criminal Man According to the Classification of Cesare Lombroso, New York and London, G. P. Putnam Mazzarello, P. (2001). Lombroso and tolstoy. Nature, 409(6823), 983. Retrieved from: Mazzarello, P., (2011). Cesare Beccaria:An anthropologist between evolution and degeneration. Functional Neurology, 26(2), 97-101. Retrieved from: Newburn, T., (2009). Key Readings in Criminology. United Kingdom: Willan Publishing Ramsland, Katherine,PhD., C.M.I.-V. (2009). THE MEASURE OF A MAN: CESARE LOMBROSO AND THE CRIMINAL TYPE. Forensic Examiner, 18(4), 70-72. Retrieved from The Labours of Lombroso. (1909). Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, 108 (2817), 495-496. Retrieved from: Tierney, J., (2009). Key Perspectives in Criminology. United Kingdom: Open University Press.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Communication Barriers Essay example -- Manager Leader Communication

A truly successful leader not only has to master the necessary business skills, the technology that makes a business efficient, but the greatest tool for success is the art of communication, so you can share your ideas and they are understood and carried out using every communication tool available. A common denominator among managers that fail in business and life is as a result of failing to overcome barriers to communication, these are often as a result of a lack of proper communication skills, prejudice, lack of information, a loss of touch, cultural and language differences. â€Å"A national survey conducted by the U.S. Labor Department concluded that 20 percent of all U.S. managers lack effective communication skills† (Gordon, 2000, p. 158). â€Å"Leaders take communications seriously. Many leadership scholars advocate speech lessons and presentations skills for those desiring to share vital messages of vision and purpose to those within their influence. Yet for all the writing and talking, speech classes and seminars on presentation skills, it is astonishing to realize that a mere 7-10% of our normal day is verbal† (Nidert, 1999, pp. 153-154). Why is it then that we spend all of our time preparing for spoken conversations and no time learning how our nonverbal communications effect how our message is heard, seldom do we consider how our body language affects that message. â€Å"Inconsistency between language and action will cancel out what is said, no matter what is said, no matter how often, loudly, eloquently or clearly spoken. If your speech does not match your behavior, those within your sphere of influence will, over time, begin to discount what you say in favor of what you didn’t say† (Nidert, 1999, p. 155). â€Å"As we fo... ...A common denominator among managers that fail in business and life is as a result of failing to overcome barriers to communication. Works Cited de Janasz, S. C., Dowd, K. O., & Schnieder, B. Z. (2009). Interpersonal Skills in Oragnization. New York: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin . Dotlich, D. C. (1998). Synergy: Why Links Between Business Units so Often Fail and How to Make Them Work. Oxford: Capstone Publishing Ltd. Gordon, E. E. (2000). Skill Wars: Winning the Battle for Productivity and Profit. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. Jones, T. E. (1999). If It's Broken, You Can Fic It: Overcoming Dysfuction In the Workplace. New York : AMACOM. Nidert, D. (1999). The Four Seasons of Leadership. Provo: Utah executive Excellence. Osblad, J. S., Turner, M. E., Kolb, D. A., & M., R. I. (2007). The Organization Behavior Reader. Upper saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. Communication Barriers Essay example -- Manager Leader Communication A truly successful leader not only has to master the necessary business skills, the technology that makes a business efficient, but the greatest tool for success is the art of communication, so you can share your ideas and they are understood and carried out using every communication tool available. A common denominator among managers that fail in business and life is as a result of failing to overcome barriers to communication, these are often as a result of a lack of proper communication skills, prejudice, lack of information, a loss of touch, cultural and language differences. â€Å"A national survey conducted by the U.S. Labor Department concluded that 20 percent of all U.S. managers lack effective communication skills† (Gordon, 2000, p. 158). â€Å"Leaders take communications seriously. Many leadership scholars advocate speech lessons and presentations skills for those desiring to share vital messages of vision and purpose to those within their influence. Yet for all the writing and talking, speech classes and seminars on presentation skills, it is astonishing to realize that a mere 7-10% of our normal day is verbal† (Nidert, 1999, pp. 153-154). Why is it then that we spend all of our time preparing for spoken conversations and no time learning how our nonverbal communications effect how our message is heard, seldom do we consider how our body language affects that message. â€Å"Inconsistency between language and action will cancel out what is said, no matter what is said, no matter how often, loudly, eloquently or clearly spoken. If your speech does not match your behavior, those within your sphere of influence will, over time, begin to discount what you say in favor of what you didn’t say† (Nidert, 1999, p. 155). â€Å"As we fo... ...A common denominator among managers that fail in business and life is as a result of failing to overcome barriers to communication. Works Cited de Janasz, S. C., Dowd, K. O., & Schnieder, B. Z. (2009). Interpersonal Skills in Oragnization. New York: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin . Dotlich, D. C. (1998). Synergy: Why Links Between Business Units so Often Fail and How to Make Them Work. Oxford: Capstone Publishing Ltd. Gordon, E. E. (2000). Skill Wars: Winning the Battle for Productivity and Profit. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. Jones, T. E. (1999). If It's Broken, You Can Fic It: Overcoming Dysfuction In the Workplace. New York : AMACOM. Nidert, D. (1999). The Four Seasons of Leadership. Provo: Utah executive Excellence. Osblad, J. S., Turner, M. E., Kolb, D. A., & M., R. I. (2007). The Organization Behavior Reader. Upper saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Truly Great Grandmother :: Personal Narrative

My Truly Great Grandmother It is obvious that my mother loved her grandmother, Matilda. Affectionately referring to her as "Tillie," my mom's eyes wander, and the corners of her mouth climb the sides of her face as she tells me about the red haired, freckled woman. My Aunt Beth's response is similar as she recalls sitting on Tillie's lap, singing along to the familiar folk tunes and hymns that poured from her mouth, filling the air with a strange tonal fragrance. My grandmother, Tillie's daughter, shares with me the secret of family dance sessions when her father, Ira, was not home, and the generosity of a mother who, save for a single time when hunger got the better of her, always saved the extra piece of pie for one of the children. Though she died three years before my birth, I have met my great grandmother many times through these stories and through my imagination. The stories about Matilda are enchanting and often funny, as she loved to tease. One story in particular has grabbed my attention for many years and has never let go. It is a brave story of changing cultures and giving up comforts. When she was 15, Matilda loved playing piano, dancing, and wearing fancy hats in her Methodist home. That year, she met Ira Miller, a Mennonite by tradition, and four years later, they were married. Ira was not fully committed to the Mennonite way of life, and was much in love with Matilda, so he lavished on her all sorts of worldly possessions, including a beautiful emerald engagement ring. No ring could have better complemented her speckled skin and fiery hair. By the time they were married, Matilda, had grown discontent with the Methodist church, and the young couple decided to live as Mennonites together. Unfortunately for Tillie, the strict rules of the denomination demanded a great change in lifestyle before membership was granted. No Mennonite home could shelter such a worldly item as a piano, and dancing was strictly forbidden. The beautiful hats she loved to wear would have to be replaced with a plain, white head covering. The emerald ring, so perfect on Tillie's hand, along with her wedding band, had to be sold, as Mennonites did not wear jewelry. Though they were difficult lifestyle changes, Tillie willingly relinquished all these items to commit to an unfamiliar culture.